Thursday, September 13, 2012

Media Release

Media release is a part of a story that could be reported on. Media release is also called press release. We use media release because it is good for reporting and safe to use. What I mean by safe to use is since it's newsworthy and something you can report on there is probably a way less chance that you will get into hot water with what you reported. Plus it might be a hurricane article you would have to write about so it probably won't affect anyone. Well, except the people that have to experience it but what I mean is it won't affect anyone racially, religiously, etc.

Now that you know why media release is used, it's time for me to show you an example of media release. In the picture to the right. It's a bit small so I'll explain it. It states that a fellow officer has committed criminal harassment. This officer has been suspended from his duty as a charge. This is good media release because it is a part of the story and it was okay to report. A probable reason why it is okay is because it didn't have anything inappropriate and it didn't say HOW the officer criminally harassed and WHO the Officer criminally harassed.

Media release is important because it's safe and it's good. It won't get us in trouble. I will use media release to get the details and not get in trouble with anyone. I'll try not to be offensive or not mention names. That way I won't be in hot water if i report something. I will use media release to make the best of this trimester of journalism.

Wikipedia,, September 12, 2012
TMS,, September 12, 2012
Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel, The Elements of Journalism, Pg. 173,72

1 comment:

  1. The article is great! The pictures are kind of boring, though. We used some of the same sources. Also, CHECK YOUR GRAMMAR!!!!!
