Thursday, August 30, 2012

Journalistic Integrity

Journalistic Integrity means to only speak the truth when you are writing an article about something that happened.

To be a reporter with journaistic integrity, you always have to write what's true. You also need to write your articles on other people's perpective, not your own. You also need to write what your journalist colleagues, your news consumers, and the news orginizations expect from you, which is the truth of course. the most sacred of the journalists' commandments is "thou shall never decieve" because obviously it would be going against journalistic integrity. Also, discriminatory writing is a flaw in journalism such as race, religion, etc.

An bad example of journaistic integrity would be to say that someone is dead but they actually aren't. That would be going against journalistic integrity. To fix this you would probably need to write a new article with a new title if you are actually trying to say that that person's CAREER is dead but not them. Many people get that mixed up. Think about your titles because one word can change a persons entire thought about your article.

Journalistic integrity means a lot to this class because of course, we'd be going against the law if we didn't have any journalistic integrity. We would also be posting wrong things about things that are real, giving us and Taylor Middle School bad publicity, ruining our reputation. Also, we would get a really bad grade for posting fake things about things that are actually different than what we thought it should be. That would be writing from our perspective, not others that may have witnissed what happened.

wikipedia,, August 28, 2012
jprof,, August 28, 2012
Robert M. Knight, Journalistic Writing, pages 167-190

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